股票入门视频教程 SFC Markets and Finance | "Flying cars" in the city are becoming a part of real life


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    股票入门视频教程 SFC Markets and Finance | "Flying cars" in the city are becoming a part of real life
    发布日期:2024-09-04 12:40    点击次数:107

    (原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | "Flying cars" in the city are becoming a part of real life)股票入门视频教程

    南方财经全媒体记者杨雨莱 广州报道

    Traveling to work by "air taxis", enjoying drone-delivered meals, and taking "flying cars" for sightseeing — scenes once confined to sci-fi movies are gradually becoming part of real life due to the thriving development of the "low-altitude economy".

    On July 4th, the Conference on High-Quality Development of the Low-Altitude Economy in Guangdong Province is being held at the Guangzhou Baiyun International Conference Center to discuss the "leap" in Guangdong's low-altitude economy.

    According to forecasts, by the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the comprehensive contribution of China's low-altitude economy to the national economy is expected to reach between 3 trillion yuan to 5 trillion yuan. The "Sky City" may be just around the corner.




    记者:杨雨莱 李依农


    新媒体统筹:丁青云 曾婷芳 赖禧 黄达迅

    海外运营监制: 黄燕淑

    海外运营内容统筹: 黄子豪 

    海外运营编辑:庄欢 吴婉婕 龙李华 张伟韬


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